Planet Hillary

Amy Chozick, writing for The New York Times Magazine:

If there is one thing that Clinton allies want to make sure you know — and will keep reminding you, over and over, in interviews — it’s that Hillary Clinton’s State Department was run nothing like her chaotic 2008 presidential campaign. When Clinton accepted the job as secretary of state, she did so with the understanding that she could bring some of her most loyal people — called the Royal Council by one aide — along with her. (“Obama didn’t realize that extended to the cafeteria workers,” quipped one person familiar with the confirmation process.) Clinton’s hires included a mix of longtime advisers, like Cheryl D. Mills, but she also brought in new people and embraced the existing State Department staff. During meetings, the secretary would sit on a silk-upholstered couch in her Foggy Bottom office, deferring to senior and junior aides to hear their opinions first.

Never too early to start reading up on the 2016 Democratic Presidential nominee.
