Whitney - Winner of the New Rivers Press 2011 Many Voices Project
Untitled Project - TBA
Short Fiction
The Products of Conception - TSR: The Southampton Review
This Little Bomb Shelter - Specter Magazine (March 2012)
Sid Vicious - Inkwell (Spring 2011)
Mirrors - Alaska Quarterly Review (Spring/Summer 2010)
The Day Before Christmas Eve - Alaska Quarterly Review (Spring/Summer 2010)
The Fourth - PANK Magazine (11/2009)
My Bike Shorts Are Not Yours, Or My Bulge - Word Riot (9/2009)
A Stupid, Noble Responsibility - Paper Camera (1/2015)
Everything Since: Five Weeks at Home With a Baby, Five Months as a Father - The Good Men Project (10/2013)
Joe Stracci’s Top Ten Novellas - john madera’s hitherandthithering waters (4/2009)