‘Hello, Gabby. It’s Raffi.’

Gabrielle Canon:

Four little words and I was instantly transported. Raffi might very well be the first person outside my family whom I truly adored. Now he was talking to me on the phone. A real phone! Not a banana phone.

I was part of a generation who grew up with Raffi songs. Because of Raffi we wonder what we might see down by the bay where the watermelon grows. We know the solution to sillies is to shake them out. We found out we liked to ate, ite, ute, and eat eeples and baneenees. And, of course, we learned all about our favorite whale, Baby Beluga. There are a lot of us.

"You are one of millions of what I call Beluga Grads," he told me. "There are apparently between 20 and 50 million, depending on how you count it."

Right now, “Baby Beluga” is #1 on the charts in our house. And just to show you what my life’s like these days, I read this article and thought: Oh, wow—a new Raffi album!
