The DNC Hack Is Watergate, but Worse

Franklin Foer, writing for Slate:

We should be appalled at the public broadcast of this minutiae. It will have a chilling effect—campaign staffers will now assume they no longer have the space to communicate honestly. This honest communication—even if it’s often trivial or dumb—is important for the process of arriving at sound strategy and sound ideas. (To be sure, the DNC shouldn’t need privacy to know that attacking a man for his faith is just plain gross.) Open conversation, conducted with the expectation of privacy, is the necessary precondition for the formation of collective wisdom and consensus. If we eviscerate the possibility of privacy in politics, we increase the likelihood of poor decision-making.

The scourge of "Transparency," and the jargonization of it as a concept, is the root cause of this "scandal." What amazes me is how often these nimrods call for transparency out of one side of their mouth, while foaming out of the other side about their privacy.
