State-Sponsored Tyranny

First, Julie Bosman, writing for The New York Times:

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who gave up his quest for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination last month, signed into law on Friday a measure that limits a longstanding tool against political corruption that has been used in investigations of Mr. Walker and his allies.

And then, Tamar Lewin, also writing for The New York Times:

Three days after Gov. Greg Abbott announced his decision to end Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood, state health department investigators showed up on Thursday at Planned Parenthood health centers in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Brownsville with orders to turn over thousands of pages of documents, including patients’ records and employees’ home addresses and telephone numbers.

Some, but not all, of the extensive records sought by the state related specifically to abortion.

Can you imagine—can you even possibly fathom—the Hurricane Patricia-esque storm of shit that would rain down upon the masses if these decisions were made by Democrats? Hillary Clinton changing a political corruption law that had been used against her? President Obama subpoenaing personal records by way of government investigators? And if both instances were as nakedly partisan as those by Walker and Abbott?

Republicans want to get big government off of our backs? They should start with their own.
