Ep. 27: The Doctor

Suicide is a lot like poison ivy.

*Ed. Note: This episode contains a frank discussion of suicide. If that’s a trigger for you, consider skipping this one. If you do choose to listen though, remember that you can always call 1-800-273-8255, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and speak with someone right now.*

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Read this episode’s script (as well as the entire IBSWTD archive) at medium.com/@ibetterstart.


Ep. 26: Ghost (A Liminal Space)

If anybody deserves the benefit of the doubt, it’s a one-day-old.

*Ed. Note: This episode contains a frank discussion of a newborn’s death. If this is a trigger for you, consider skipping it until you’re in a different headspace. And I hope that you find that place in the future.*

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Read this episode’s script (as well as the entire IBSWTD archive) at medium.com/@ibetterstart.


Ep. 25: Are We Pushing?

For my wife and I, with our third baby, things felt different.

We were—happy.

*Ed. Note: this episode contains crudely-recorded audio from the labor room. I did my best to smooth everything out and not have the levels fluctuate too much, but between limited talent, and the shortcomings of the recording, there’s still some quiet parts I wish were louder, and some loud parts I wish were quieter. Please try not to miss the quiet gold (think: headphones), and please don’t fault me for the fetal heart monitor announcing itself (that digital big dog bark).*

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Read this episode’s script (as well as the entire IBSWTD archive) at medium.com/@ibetterstart.


Ep. 20: The Poor Woman (A Quiet Year)

I’ll finish this and we’ll just have a quiet year. We’ll hunker down with our jobs and our apartment. The days will run right. We’ll have a quiet year.

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Consider supporting the show at patreon.com/ibetterstart.

Read this episode’s script (as well as the entire IBSWTD archive) at medium.com/@ibetterstart.

I Better Start Writing This Down is sponsored by Audible. For a free audiobook download and a 30 day free trial, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstart. Audible has over 150,000 titles to choose from. However, one title that I think IBSWTD listeners would enjoy, that is not available on Audible, is:

“Whitney” by Joe Stracci

Download the ebook or buy a paper copy of “Whitney” on Amazon.


Ep. 19: There Is No Harm Here

The lights are on—and then eventually, they are more on.

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Consider supporting the show at patreon.com/ibetterstart.

Read this episode’s script (as well as the entire IBSWTD archive) at medium.com/@ibetterstart.

I Better Start Writing This Down is sponsored by Audible. For a free audiobook download and a 30 day free trial, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstartAudible has over 150,000 titles to choose from. One title that I think IBSWTD listeners would enjoy is:

"No Country for Old Men" by Cormac McCarthy

To download “No Country For Old Men” for free, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstart.


Ep. 18: You'll Prove to Yourself Just How Disillusioned You Are

You will not be laid to rest in the depths of the Washington State Convention Center.

You will, however, feel like dying there.

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Consider supporting the show at patreon.com/ibetterstart.

Read this episode’s script (as well as the entire IBSWTD archive) at medium.com/@ibetterstart.

I Better Start Writing This Down is sponsored by Audible. For a free audiobook download and a 30 day free trial, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstartAudible has over 150,000 titles to choose from. One title that I think IBSWTD listeners would enjoy is:

"Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk

To download “Fight Club” for free, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstart.


Ep. 17: The Food My Mother Made, Pt. 2

Food is one of the strongest carriers of memory, of tradition.

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Consider supporting the show at patreon.com/ibetterstart.

Read this episode’s script (as well as the entire IBSWTD archive) at medium.com/@ibetterstart.

I Better Start Writing This Down is sponsored by Audible. For a free audiobook download and a 30 day free trial, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstartAudible has over 150,000 titles to choose from. One title that I think IBSWTD listeners would enjoy is:

“Food: A Love Story” by Jim Gaffigan

To download “Food: A Love Story” for free, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstart.

The New York Times Magazine article that I mentioned is called “Memories of Meals Past.” It was published on October 30th, 2015.


Ep. 16: The Food My Mother Made, Pt. 1

I’m about to flog my mother’s cooking.

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Consider supporting the show at patreon.com/ibetterstart.

Read this episode’s script (as well as the entire IBSWTD archive) at medium.com/@ibetterstart.

I Better Start Writing This Down is sponsored by Audible. For a free audiobook download and a 30 day free trial, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstartAudible has over 150,000 titles to choose from. One title that I think IBSWTD listeners would enjoy is:

“Food: A Love Story” by Jim Gaffigan

To download “Food: A Love Story” for free, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstart.

The New York Times Magazine article that I mentioned at the beginning of the show is called “Memories of Meals Past.” It was published on October 30th, 2015.

The epigraph is from a New York Times piece by Jacques Pépin called “Jacques Pépin’s Food Memories.” It was published on December 8th, 2015.


Ep. 15: Thirty Years of Christmas Eve

Thirty years ago, an initial Christmas that lives on only as a wooden ornament, a popular children’s television show character cradling the appropriate numeral, a red ribbon, a slow, steady cursive on the back: 1984.

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Consider supporting the show at patreon.com/ibetterstart.

Read this episode’s script (as well as the entire IBSWTD archive) at medium.com/@ibetterstart.

I Better Start Writing This Down is sponsored by Audible. For a free audiobook download and a 30 day free trial, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstart. Audible has over 150,000 titles to choose from. One title that I think IBSWTD listeners would enjoy is:

“Holidays on Ice” by David Sedaris

To download “Holidays on Ice” for free, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstart.


Ep. 14: Technology Coach

For such a fastidious person, my mother couldn't keep a computer digitally clean to save her life.

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Consider supporting the show at patreon.com/ibetterstart.

Read this episode’s script (as well as the entire IBSWTD archive) at medium.com/@ibetterstart.

I Better Start Writing This Down is sponsored by Audible. For a free audiobook download and a 30 day free trial, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstartAudible has over 150,000 titles to choose from. One title that I think IBSWTD listeners would enjoy is:

“The Cartel” by Don Winslow

To download “The Cartel” for free, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstart.


Ep. 13: Father Engine

Once, when you were young, you and your father were in the car driving down a city street. A siren blared out from behind. Your father pulled over and took the opportunity to explain the laws for emergency vehicles.

“Pull over. Give them room. Where those trucks are going, people needed help.”

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Today’s episode was produced by Joe Stracci, and written by Ryan Mecklenburg.

Consider supporting the show at patreon.com/ibetterstart.

I Better Start Writing This Down is sponsored by Audible. For a free audiobook download and a 30 day free trial, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstartAudible has over 150,000 titles to choose from. One title that I think IBSWTD listeners would enjoy is:

“The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay” by Michael Chabon

To download “The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay” for free, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstart.


Ep. 12: Carry That Awareness With You

Summer vacation writing assignments were always prompted with: how I spent my summer vacation.

So here’s mine.

Find out more information about I Better Start Writing This Down at ibetterstart.net.

Consider supporting the show at patreon.com/ibetterstart.

I Better Start Writing This Down is sponsored by Audible. For a free audiobook download and a 30 day free trial, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstartAudible has over 150,000 titles to choose from. One title that I think IBSWTD listeners would enjoy is:

“Book of Numbers” by Joshua Cohen

To download “Book of Numbers” for free, go to audibletrial.com/ibetterstart.
